weather station info:
hardware: Vantage Pro2 Plus
software: WeeWX
weather station location:
Noveno neighborhood, near Sinsheimer Park
Lat: 35.259504
Lon: -120.638435
today's sunrise: 07:15:03 AM
today's sunset: 06:18:14 PM
moonphase:Waning gibbous (67% full)
last web update:
2024-10-22 09:20
Current stats:
Temperature 54.3°F
UV index 0.0
Solar Radiation 297 W/m²
Humidity 79%
Dewpoint 47.9°F
Wind Speed Hour Avg 0 mph
Barometer 29.999 inHg
Rain (last 24 hours) 0.00 in
Rain Rate (1 hour avg) 0.00 in/hr
Rain (last 30 days) 0.01 in
Rain (since July 1st) 0.01 in
Wind Chill 54.3°F
Heat Index 53.1°F
Today's Highs/Lows (last 24 hours)
High Temperature 86.6°F at 12:25:00 PM
Low Temperature 47.2°F at 06:10:00 AM
High UV index 2.3 at 12:20:00 PM
High Solar Rad 654 W/m² at 12:45:00 PM
High Humidity 84% at 06:30:00 AM
Low Humidity 17% at 12:00:00 PM
High Dewpoint 52.6°F at 01:10:00 PM
Low Dewpoint 35.4°F at 10:35:00 AM
High Wind Speed 0.000000 at 09:25:00 AM
High Barometer 30.020 inHg at 09:45:00 AM
Low Barometer 29.929 inHg at 07:00:00 PM
High Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr at 09:25:00 AM
Low Wind Chill 47.2°F at 06:10:00 AM
High Heat Index 83.8°F at 12:30:00 PM
Wunderground Forecast

Weather station historical data:
Accuweather enhanced sat

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grass map
tree map
ragweed map

Outside Temp Composite Heat Index/Wind Chill

Outside Humidity Barometer

Wind Direction Wind Speed

UV SolarRadiation

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